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A New Chapter for Our Pinball Community

For over three years, our group has thrived on providing a safe and welcoming environment for women and gender non-conforming individuals to enjoy pinball on the second Wednesday of each month. Our goal has always been to create an inclusive space where everyone feels comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, recent developments with one of our long-time venues, I/O Arcade Bar, have necessitated a change in our plans.

Conflict with I/O Arcade Bar and Madison Pinball

Many of you may have noticed that I/O Arcade Bar, in collaboration with Madison Pinball, has scheduled a new open (co-ed) pinball tournament on the same nights as our events. This decision was made without consulting us first. Additionally, they planned a John Wick launch party on one of our event days in July. This conflicts with our mission to provide a dedicated space away from the male-dominated pinball community.

While Mitch at I/O Arcade Bar has offered to reschedule the launch party and provide us with additional deals, he is unwilling to change the new tournament schedule. This poses a risk of fragmenting our pinball community and undermines our efforts to maintain a safe and inclusive environment.

Moving Forward: Seeking New Venues

Due to these conflicts, we have decided to stop hosting and promoting events at Madison Pinball locations, including I/O Arcade Bar, Schwoeggler’s, and Pooley’s. We are actively seeking other venues in Madison that will respect our league and work collaboratively with the larger pinball community.

How You Can Help

We urge you to make your voices heard. Please consider commenting on the following platforms:

Additionally, you can contact Hilton Jones and Sean Spindler directly at Madison Pinball to express your concerns.

Continued Support and Participation

We understand that some of you may still want to participate in the 2nd Wednesday tournaments hosted by I/O Arcade Bar and Madison Pinball. We encourage you to also join us for our Belles & Chimes events. Remember, I/O Arcade Bar continues to host their 4th Wednesday of the month events as well.

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this transition. We are committed to finding a new venue that aligns with our values and mission. Stay tuned for updates on our new locations and upcoming events.

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